Common Core Standards

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Porky Art Thoughts...

“In Wildness is the preservation of the world” is a quote from Henry David Thoreau.In this quote, Thoreau is saying that wildness preserves, not that we must preserve wildness. Wildness was a task for Thoreau to touch and express. “The wild was a project of the self” Jack Turner writes about HDT.
Thoreau understood wildness as a quality, wild men, wild nature, wild friends, wild dreams, wild house cats, wild lieterature. Wildness was associated with other qualities–the good, the holy, the free.
The human connection, the human as nature, you and I, has been largely forgotten I feel. We humans as nature, are a part of the wild. In my own way, I have lived as Thoreau speaks–Wild thoughts, wild laughter, wild song. “Wandering in the wild”, means intuition is at work guidiing you, being free from plans, expectations, duty and more. Being in the moment, wildly in the moment.
For 2009 and beyond there is a need to practice wild self! To preserve the world.

This all I read after the painting developed. As with most art work, the art takes shape before the true meaning sets in and is revealed.

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